Australia Training Visa (subclass 407) | AECC
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Visa (Subclass 407) Process Simplified

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Training Visa and get end-to-end expert guidance from us.
Get Your Skilled Australia Training Visa (Subclass 407) Process Simplified
Learn everything you need to know about Australia Student Visa and get end to end expert guidance from us.

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Australia Training Visa (Subclass 407)

On-the-job training is essential for anyone who has completed their studies. The Australia Training Visa (subclass 407) is one such. It allows Australian companies to sponsor applicants to participate in occupational-related training. It also empowers them to bring in skilled labourers from outside the country to work for them. This visa is also used by potential employees to improve their skill sets. 

This visa can also be used by many international students who have completed their course in Australia to work temporarily. It also gives them hands-on experience and the same time the essential training required to embark in the professional world. This visa is also known as the training visa.

Subclass 407 Visa: Highlights

The Post-Study Work Stream of the Subclass 407 visa in Australia allows international students who have completed a course of study to work in Australia temporarily. There are several post-course opportunities available for individuals who hold the 407 visa in Australia. Some of these opportunities include:

Gain Work Experience: You have the potential to gain practical work experience in Australia.

Extend stay in Australia: The 407 visa allows you to stay in Australia for almost two years after the completion of your studies.

Building Connections: The 407 training visa helps you to build connections about your industry in Australia.

Apply for Permanent Residency: After you finish your course and gain work experience, you can apply for permanent residence.

Explore further studies: The 407 visa allows you to pursue your higher education courses or any other programs to elevate your qualifications.

What is a 407 Visa?

A 407 visa is a visa that helps you to take place in workplace occupational training activities. This is mainly done to improve the skillsets that are required for your job or the field you are involved in. This is done for professional development training programs in Australia. Three types of occupational training are provided under this visa. They are:

Training that requires some Registration: 

Workplace training needs to be undertaken to procure occupational, registration, membership, or licensing. Licensing might be a prerequisite to continue with the said occupation.

Training to Improvise Skills in an Occupation:

Workplace training that 

  • Are customized to the requirements of the applicant
  • Are in need to carry out the duties expected out of the occupation.
  • Has the prior work experience of the applicant. This work experience should have been 
    • For 12 months of full-time experience in the occupation.
    • Within 24 months before lodging the 407 visa application.

Training for Capacity Building Overseas

Training for the need for capacity building overseas includes.

  • Workplace training in Australia for 6 months. This is for the students: 
    • who have enrolled themselves on a foreign university.
    • who must complete the said training to get their degree.
    • to whom the training, research, or observations are customised. 
  • Structures workplace occupational training for any person can happen when the training has
    • The support of the government agencies in Australia
    • The support of the home country Government of the applicant
    • The government agency support must be at the national or state level.
    • The supporting home country government must be at the national or state level.
    • In all the above cases, the training needs to be structured according to the needs of the nominated person.
  • Professional workplace occupational training that involves face-to-face teaching in a classroom environment in Australia. It is mainly for overseas employers to send their professional employees.

What are the benefits of the Visa 407?

407 visa Australia also known as the training visa is a provisional visa that is given to individuals to visit the country and take part in an occupational training or professional development program. There are various training visa benefits. Some of them are:

  • Apply for the visa both on-shore and off-shore.
  • Live in Australia for two years and complete the training that is mentioned in the Visa application. 
  • You can leave and re-enter Australia anytime for two years.
  • You can bring dependents along with you during the time of your stay in Australia.
  • You can enrol for any degree program during this period, but it has to be related to your occupation.
  • This can be used as a pathway for other visa options like employer-sponsored visas or skilled migration visas, which may lead to permanent residency.

It is important to note that the Subclass 407 visa has specific criteria and requirements that must be met, and the application process can be complex. It is advisable to seek advice from an immigration professional or consult the official website of the Department of Home Affairs in Australia for accurate and up-to-date information specific to your circumstances.


Eligibility Requirements for a 407 Visa

To procure the 407 Visa Australia, there are some pre-requisite eligibility that need to be met. You need to:

  • Have a sponsor who is ready to provide you with training in any work-related activities.
  • Have a nomination to undertake a training program unless and otherwise, your sponsor is an Australian government commonwealth agency.
  • Be 18 years of age at the time of your visa processing.
  • Have a substantive visa that does not fall under subclass 403, 771, or a special purpose visa if you are applying in Australia. 
  • Meet the health requirements that have been set by the Australian government.
  • Have a character approval certificate from a reliable authority to prove the fact that you and your dependents are of good character.
  • Be covered adequately by health insurance.
  • Stay in the country temporarily.
  • A document substantiating the fact that you have the minimum functional capacity in the English language.
  • Be ready to sign the Australian Values Statement that you will respect the Australian way of life.
  • Prove that none of your visa applications has been rejected by the Australian government in the past.
  • Pay back the Australian Government, if you owe them some money.

Subclass 407 Visa Checklist

Some documents need to be provided for the 407 training visa. The documents that need to be produced can be divided into two categories. They are:

The Primary Applicant:

Some of the documents that need to be submitted for the primary applicants are:

  • All the academic credentials
  • Employer reference letter
  • Applicant needs 
    • to hold a valid passport from US, UK, Canada, NS, or Ireland (or)
    • IELTS overall score of 6.0 (or)
    • TOEFL IBT overall score of 64 (or)
    • PTE - At least a Grade B in any of the four parts (or)
    • OET - At least a Grade B in any of the four parts (or)
    • Cambridge C1 Advance Test - Overall a score of 169 with a minimum of 154 in each of the four test components.
  • Professional registration or licensing certification.
  • A detailed CV with your professional qualifications along with your work experiences for the past 10 years.
  • An approval letter from the sponsor or receipt of submission of sponsorship application.
  • A written letter from your sponsor that they will take care of your expenses for the duration stated.

All the Applicants:

Along with the application, the dependants need to submit the following documents. They are:

  • Passport, Birth certificate, and proof of name change, such as marriage or divorce certificate. 
  • If you are married, divorced, or separated, provide proof of documents supporting the same.
  • Character certificate from competent authorities in your home country and also from all the countries you stayed for the past 10 years.
  • Medical certificate stating they are medically fit.
  • If the dependant is below 18 years of age, copies of the birth certificates of the parents need to be provided.

How to Apply for a Subclass 407 Visa?

To apply for the Subclass 407 visa, 

  • You must be nominated by the employer to take part in the training program conducted by the organisation.
  • The application must be sponsored by the employer. 
  • You must have relevant experience in the field where the training is being imparted to you.

Subclass 407 Visa Cost

There is a visa fee that needs to be paid for getting the training visa in Australia. The visa application fees are as given:


Fees (in AUD)

Main Applicant

AUD 405


407 Visa Processing time

Once the visa application form is submitted to the authorities, it takes somewhere between 55 to 80 days to process the application. But the visa processing may take longer or shorter duration case on case basis as well. 

The subclass 407 requirements need to be to get your visa processed in time. This includes the following conditions.

  • The application needs to be submitted with all the necessary documents.
  • The application needs to be submitted online as it helps to streamline the process.
  • You need to respond quickly to the requested information.
  • All the required checks need to be completed appropriately.
  • The health, and character certificates from the authorities need to reach the competent authorities on time.

Subclass 407 Visa Conditions

Some of the conditions of the 407 visa are:
  • You can work only for your sponsor under the 407 visa.
  • You must work at least 30 hours per week.
  • If you have a dependent partner who is above 18 years of age, he or she has the limited rights to work for 40 hours per fortnight.


Training and upliftment is a part and parcel of your life. This is true with every profession. The Australia Training visa is a great opportunity for skilled workers to get a chance to work in a country like Australia. It gives them a very good experience and helps them to enhance their skills. The 407 visa application process is supported by the sponsored agency or the Australian government so it is easier for you to procure it. In case if you want to leverage your career, go in for this visa and take it as a doorway to settle down in a country with natural wonders like Australia.

*Information on this page is current as of February 21st, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Subclass 407 Australia visa is a process that allows you to take part in workplace and occupational-related activities. This is done to improve your skillsets on your job.

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